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MAY 2024


She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. (Proverbs 31:25)

A Prayer for Mothers

Where would we be without our mother’s love? Lord, bless our mothers with wisdom to teach and guide their children in a way that will help them to follow You and to become men and women who will be pleasing in Your sight.

Give all mothers the patience to deal with the difficulties of their job and, most of all, give them a special blessing as they care so lovingly for the gifts that You have allowed them the honor of raising. Amen.

– Author Unknown


As you know, Each month you will receive the name of the leader of the nation and specific prayer targets for the nation in our monthly PPV blog. As always, please remember you have the liberty to be led by our Holy Spirit during your prayer time for the nations. Our monthly prayers will be based on the following scriptures: 1 Timothy 2:1, 2…..Matthew 28:18-20…. Matthew 24:14 


These are the general prayer targets for the nations every day, in the mighty name of Jesus: 

1. Father God, we ask for OPEN HANDS to minister the gospel (Proverbs 2:20)

2. Father God, we ask for OPEN DOORS to spread the gospel (Colossians 4:2,3)

3. Father God, we ask for OPEN MINDS to receive the gospel (Acts 26:17,18)

4. Father God, we ask for OPEN HEARTS to embrace the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:6)

5. Father God, we ask for OPEN HEAVENS so the gospel will transform nations(Isaiah 45:8)

For the month of May, the nation to pray for is Germany. The President is Frank Walter Steinmeier:

Specific prayers for Germany

  1. President Steinmeier and governing cabinet....pray for them to have strong, courageous, Godly leadership based on Christian values which is much needed for the nation. Pray that God will raise up leaders who will hold fast to righteousness and integrity in spite of strong opposition.

  2. Germany is 63% Christian, declining form 97% during the 1960's...Pray that the exodus from organized Christianity will STOP and that "new life" will erupt economically, socially and spiritually through REVIVAL throughout the nation.

  3. Division exists between the Catholic and Protestant churches...pray for genuine UNITY within the entire Body of Christ in Germany and that progress will begin and continue to expand thru evangelical ministries as well as missionary impact and church planting in areas that are considered "spiritual deserts", the city of Berlin in particular. 

  4. A large population of active Christians are over the age of 50....pray for the youth of Germany to develop a hunger and desire for JESUS and be sold out to HIM in schools and college campuses throughout the nation. 

Watchmen's Word presented by Thelma Bryant

Watchmen I encourage to engage in the National Day of Prayer on Thursday May 2 @ 12 noon at your local city hall or you can join me, Thelma @ Kinloch city hall @ 12noon. My husband, Kenneth will be facilitating @ Bellefontaine Neighbors city hall as well. All are welcome to join us in praying for our cities and our nation. We will be in one accord all over the USA as we "LIFT UP THE WORD and LIGHT UP THE WORLD"!!! Hallelujah!!!! 


Corporate Prayer Time

Corporate prayer time will be Sunday May 19 ( Slight time change) 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm Please fast as led from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Details to join us in person will be emailed, so join our email list today by becoming a member on the website. To join us online use the zoom info below.

Connect on Zoom at OR

Dial 1.312.626.6799

Meeting ID: 891 0387 8809

Pass code: 419278

Global Family Prayer

On Friday February 2 we celebrated our one year anniversary of being on the GLOBAL FAMILY PRAYER platform! It has been AMAZING to pray with people from all over this country(Pennsylvania, Boston, Cincinnati, Houston, New York,etc) and especially ALL OVER THE WORLD(India, Pakistan, Australia, Uganda, China,Ghana, Kenya, etc) Please make a special effort to join us @ 4am with us.

Below is a link that can connect you with our PPV hour of prayer with Global Family Prayer every Friday morning at 4am (CST). The best way for you to join this prayer time is by signing up for eventbrite so that you will be notified when the zoom link for the event changes as well as speakers during the church hours etc. It is important to note that the direct zoom link should NEVER be shared publicly. However you may share the eventbrite link below with others.

*If you have any questions please email Thelma Bryant 

"Our Battle"

After a cruel attack on the life of a young man on the parking lot of Calvary Bible Church in Florissant, MO a committed group of pastors decided to come together to Pray and stand against the attacks of the enemy on our city, state, country, and world. We believe this monthly gathering is evidence of the prayers that have been going forth in out city to "tear down wickedness, raise up righteousness, and bring healing to our land." As believers we have the spiritual authority and faith filled prayer is a God ordained way for us to exercise that authority. In support of this prayer gathering please join us as "we pray heaven to earth" (Matthew 6:10).

For details about upcoming meetings visit 

Check It Out!

Below is the link to a powerful YOUTUBE video that will help you start your day with effective prayer and encourage you as "watchmen on the wall":

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